Book Review by Laxmi Upreti

पुस्तक परिचय ः भारत-नेपाल सीमावर्ती बाँध
लेखक ः बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठ
प्रकाशक ः भूमिचित्र कम्पनी प्रा.लि.
संस्करण ः प्रथम,२०६६
संख्या ः १,२०० प्रति
मूल्य ः रु. ४४०।-

बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठज्यूको आफ्नो कार्यक्षेत्र र विषय अर्न्तर्गत
रहेर यस भन्दा अघि पनि धेरै पुस्तकहरू प्रकाशित गरीसक्नु
भएको छ । यसले गर्दा नै उहाँले पुरस्कार, अवार्ड, सम्मानहरू
प्राप्त गरि सक्नु भएको छ । पुस्तकहरूको लेखन मात्र हैन
उहाँले स्वदेश भित्र र विदेशमा समेत गएर आफ्नो विषयसँग
सम्बन्धित कुराहरू अमेरिकाको विभिन्न ५ राज्य लन्डन,
मस्को, टोकियो, वेजिङ्ग साथै स्वेदशी संघ-संस्था, प्रधानमन्त्री,
मन्त्रीहरू, सभामुखहरूमा नेपालको सीमा व्यवस्थापन सीमा
समस्या समाधानका उपायसम्बन्धी ५० भन्दा बढी प्रवचन
गरि सक्नुभएको छ ।
उहाँको कृतिहरू रुचिकर रहेका छन् । प्रस्तुत भारत-नेपाल
सीमावर्ती बाँध नामक पुस्तक पाठकहरूको लागि सारै
ज्ञानवर्धक छ । यस पुस्तककले नेपाली जनमानसमा सारै
गतिलो किसिमले खलबलि मञ्चाएको छ । यस पुस्तकमा
खास गरी भारत-नेपाल सीमानजिक भारतले एकतफिर् रूपमा
बनाएको सीमावर्ती बाँधहरूका विषयमा केन्द्रित रहेको छ ।
भारतसँग सिमाना जोडिएको नेपालको जिल्ला-२६ जिल्ला
छन् । यसै गरी चीनसँगको सिमानामा जोडिएको नेपालको
जिल्ला १५ जिल्ला छन् । चीन र भारत -दुवै देश) सँग सीमा
जोडिएको जिल्ला-२ जिल्लामा छन् । यसमा नदी सीमारेखा
५६५ कि.मि. पर्दछ । साना-ठूला गरी नदी सीमा रेखा परेका
नदी-नालाको संख्या ६० रहेको छ । कोसीले तटबन्ध फटालेर
कोसी व्यारेज नजिकैको गाउँबस्ती स्वाहा पारी ताण्डव नृत्य
देखायो । के कारणले कोशी तटबन्ध टुट्न पुग्यो र यत्रो
दर्ुघटना भयो – भन्ने सम्बन्धमा जान्न बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठमा
उत्सुकता जाग्यो । खोज खबर गर्ने क्रममा प्रस्तुत पुस्तकको
जन्म भयो । यस पुस्तकमा डुबान पीडित नेपाली जनताको
अर्न्तर्मनको कथा व्याथा उत्रिएको छ । पुस्तकमा कतिपय
शर्ीष्ाक अन्तर्रगत डुवान समस्या समाधानका सम्बन्धमा
सरकारको कमीकमजोरीहरू पनि उल्लेख गरिएको छ ।
पुस्तक लेखनको क्रममा कतिपय तथ्यत्तामा लेखकज्यू
पाइताला खियाईं आफ्नै दिमाग घोरिएको पाइन्छ । सूचना
मूलक जानकारीलाई विश्लेषण गरी केही निचोड निकालिएको
पाइन्छ ।
भारतले नयाँ बनाउन लागेको कोसी उच्च बाँधबारे पनि
लेखकले राम्रोसँग विश्लेषण गरी प्रस्तुत गर्नु भएको छ ।
सुनसरी जिल्ला बराह क्षेत्रदेखि करिब डेढ किलोमिटर उत्तर
चुरे पहाडको खोचबाट समथर मैदानमा फुत्त निस्केको
सप्तोकोसी नदीमा घाँटीमा बनाउन लागिएको बाँधलाई कोसी
उच्च बाँध भनिन्छ । कोसी बाढीद्वारा भारतको विहारमा
असहृय पीडा बढेको बखत उच्चबाँधको चर्चा चल्ने गरेकै
थियो । सप्तकोसी उच्चबाँध निर्माण गर्ने योजना नयाँ सोच
होइन भन्ने बुझन्िछ । भारतमा अंग्रेजी शासनको सन् १८३९
मा नै ध्बतभच च्भकयगचअभक भ्लनष्लभभच क्ष्च ब्चतजभच
व्जomबक ऋयततयल ले भारतको उत्तर र दक्षिण तर्फो
नदीलाई जोडेर सस्तो र शुलभ जलयातायात तथा सिंचाई
विकास गर्न सकिने अवधारणा ल्याएका थिए । यस पछि सन
१९३७ मा भारतको तत्कालिन भ्बकत क्ष्लमष्ब ऋomउबलथ
सरकारले उच्चबाँधको खाका
परिकल्पना गर्‍यो । उच्च बाँध
निर्माण सम्बन्धमा सन् १९९९
नेपाल-भारत बीच करिब सहमति
भइसक्न लागेको थियो । तर
प्राविधिक मतान्त्ररणका कारण
अड्कियो ।
नेपालमा राजनीति परिवर्तन भयो ।
नेपालको सबैभन्दा ठूलो नदी
सप्तकोसीमा उच्च बाँधी विहारमा
बाढी नियन्त्रण गरिने कुरा भारतका
प्रधानमन्त्री मनमोहन सिंहले
सम्वत २०६३ सालमा बताएका थिए । पाँच दशक अघिदेखि
नै सप्तकोसीमा भारतले आँखा गाडेको थियो । २०१७ सालको
प्रारम्भ रित सप्तकोसी उच्चबाँध परियोजनाको प्रारम्भिक
अध्ययन गर्न सहमति दिइएको थियो । तर काम अघिबढाउने
क्रममा बराहक्षेत्रको स्थानीय वासिन्दाले सो आयोजनाबाट
प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक स्थल प्रभावित हुनजाने भनी व्यापक विरोध
गरेपछि स्थगित भएको थियो ।
फेरि २०१७ सालको राजनीतिक परिवर्तनपश्चात् तत्कालको
सरकारले उच्चबाँधको अध्ययन गर्ने काम रोकेको थियो । पुनः
२०४६ सालको परिवर्तन पछि रोकिएका काम खोलिएपछि
कामले गति लिदै आएको छ । उच्चबाँधको २६९ मिटर अग्लो
हुनेछ । यो विश्वको दोस्रो अग्लो बाँधको रूपमा संसारमा
चिनिनेछ । यो बाँध काम सुरु गरेको मितिले १० वर्षवनिसक्ने
छ । २०४५ सालको बाढीमा विहारको ३९ मध्ये ३३ जिल्ला
डुबानमा परी लगभग १२ अरब भारतीय रुपियाँ बराबरको
क्षति हुन गएको थियो । यसै गरी २०६५ साल भदै २ गते
कोसीको पर्ूर्वी तटबन्ध फुटेर भारतको ४० लाख जनताको
उठीबास भएको थियो । यो बाँध निर्माण गर्न २८ अर्व अमेरिकी
डलर बराबरको रकम लाग्न सक्ने अन्दाज रहेको छ ।
यो बाँध बनेपछि तमोर, अरूण, सुनकोसी नदीको तल्लो क्षेत्र
अर्थात् व्यासी र टाटी परेको होचो जमिन जलाशयमा परिणतर्
भई डुबानमा पर्ने हुन्छ । यहाँ २६९ मिटर अग्लो बाँध ठडिएर
सप्तकोसी नदीको पानी छेकिएपछि बाँध भन्दा उत्तर तथा
पर्ूव-पश्चिममा ४०९ मिटर सम्मको अग्लो नदी व्यासीको
भू-भाग जलमग्न हुन्छन् । पहाडी खोला दुवैतर्फा व्याँसी
तथा टारको मलिलो जमिन र भित्री तर्राईको खेतीयोग्य
धानबाली लाग्ने खेल पोखरीमा परिणत हुनेछ । बाँधको निर्माण
पछि कोसी नदी वारपरका १० लाख टन अन्न उत्पादन हुने
१९६ वर्गकिलोमिटर खेतीयोग्य भूमि डुवानमा पर्नेछन्, विभिन्न
जिल्लाका ७९ गा.वि.स. का १ लाख वासिन्दा विस्थापित हुने
र हाल वउच्चबाँधको डिजाइन गरिएको बाँध करिब ३०
वर्षा पुरिन सक्ने तथ्यांक परि रहेको छ ।
बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठज्यूले दक्षिण एसियाको पानी अर्थ राजनीति
बुझन र नेपालभित्रै कै शासन पद्धतिको पानीसम्बन्धी वेथिति
बुझन ठूलो मिहेनत साथ तयार पार्नु भएको प्रस्तुत पुस्तकले
मद्दत गर्ने छ । खासगरी परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयका कूटनीतिज्ञ,
जलस्रोतबारे अध्ययन अनुसन्धान गर्ने विज्ञहरू, पत्रकार,
वकीलहरूको लागि पनि यो सारै उपयोगी पुस्तक सबैले
समग्ररूपमा अध्ययन गर्नु नितान्त आवश्यकता रहेको महशुस
गरिन्छ ।
– प्रस्तुती- अधिवक्ता लक्ष्मीप्रसाद उप्रेती
७८ अड्ढ पृष्ठ टड
कानून द्वैमासिक, १५ पुस, २०६६

Book Review by Hari Adhikari

हरि अधिकारी


ज्यादतीको खुलासा



नेपालका अन्यतम् भूमापनविद् बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठले आफूले पाएको प्राज्ञिक तालिम र अनुभवलाई नेपाल र भारतका बीच रहेको १ हजार ८ सय किलोमिटर लामो सिमाना र यससँग जोडिएका समस्याहरूका विभिन्न पाटाहरूको अध्ययन र अनुसन्धानमा लगाउँदै आएका छन् । यस क्रममा श्रेष्ठले नेपाल-भारत सीमा सम्बन्धको, नेपालका लागि सबैभन्दा पीडादायी पक्ष भारतद्वारा गरँिदै आएको बलमिच्याइँ, नेपाली भूभागमाथिको कब्जा र अतिक्रमणकै शैलीमा सीमाक्षेत्रमा भएको भारतीय फौजको तैनाथी आदिका विषयमा प्रामाणिक सूचना प्रवाह गररिहेका छन् । श्रेष्ठको अध्ययन-अनुसन्धानको अर्को विषयवस्तु रहेको छ, नेपालबाट बगेर दक्षिणतिर जाने नदीनालाको विशाल जलस्राेतको व्यवस्थापन र उपयोग गर्ने क्रममा भारतले गर्दै आएको अर्घेल्याइँ । उनले कोसी, गण्डक, शारदाजस्ता नेपाल र भारतका बीच सम्झौता भएर बनेका ठूला ब्यारेजहरूको अवस्िथति र तिनबाट दुवै देशलाई हुने बेफाइदा र फाइदाको वस्तुगत विश्लेषण गरेका छन् र भारतद्वारा आफ्नो सानो छिमेकी, भारत सीमा, द्विपक्षीय जल व्यवस्थापन र उपयोग एवं भारतद्वारा सीमाक्ष्ाेत्रमा एकतर्फी रूपले ब्यारेज र तटबन्ध बनाएर नेपालतर्फ पैदा गरििदएको डुबान र सुक्खाका समस्यामाथि केन्दि्रत भई बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठले नेपालको सिमाना, राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षाका सन्दर्भमा सीमा व्यवस्थापन, बोर्डर म्यानेजमेन्ट अफ नेपाल, सिमानाको ज्ञानजस्ता विचारोत्तेजक चर्चित र उपयोगी पुस्तक प्रकाशनमा ल्याइसकेका छन् । यसै शृंखलाको नवीनतम् कडीका रूपमा आएको छ श्रेष्ठको नयाँ कृति भारत-नेपाल सीमावर्ती बाँध । सवा चार सय पृष्ठको यस पुस्तकले आफ्नो नामलाई सार्थक पार्दै भारतले नेपालको सीमावर्ती क्षेत्रमा एकतर्फी रूपले बाँधेका करबि डेढ दर्जन ब्यारेज र तटबन्धहरूको विस्तृत वृत्तान्त मात्र दिएको छैन, नेपाल-भारतका बीच सम्झौता भएर बनेका कोसीलगायत केही ब्यारेजहरूका विषयमा पनि नेपालको हित-अहितको कोणबाट हेर्दै विश्लेषण गरेको छ ।

श्रेष्ठको समीक्ष्य पुस्तक भारत-नेपाल सीमावर्ती ब्यारेज र तटबन्धका विषयमा मात्रै केन्दि्रत भने छैन । श्रेष्ठले भारतद्वारा सीमावर्ती क्ष्ाेत्रमा एकतर्फी रूपले बनाएका बाँधहरू र तिनले नेपालतर्फ पुर्‍याएको क्ष्ातिको मूल विषयवस्तुमा प्रवेश गर्नुअघि सीमावर्ती बाँधको सैद्धान्तिक पक्ष, यस्ता ब्यारेज र तटबन्धहरूबाट नेपालतर्फ पैदा भएको डुबानको समस्या, यसका कारणहरू, नेपालमा डुबान र बाढी-पहिरोको प्रकोपजस्ता अन्तरसम्बन्धित विषयहरूको समेत चर्चा गरेका छन् । यसका साथै, लेखकले नेपाल र भारतका द्विपक्षीय सम्बन्धमा रहेका विविध आयामहरूको पडताल गर्ने प्रयत्न पनि गरेका छन् र भारतीय सीमावर्ती ब्यारेज र तटबन्धबाट उत्पन्न जलजमाउ पीडाको उपचारका उपाय पनि सुझाउने चेष्टा गरेका छन् ।

नेपालमा उपलब्ध सिमानाविद्हरूमध्ये सम्भवतः सबैभन्दा बढी दक्ष र अनुभवी बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठले नेपाल र भारतका सीमा समस्याका विषयमा प्रवाह गरेका सूचनाको आधिकारतिा प्रश्नातीत छ । उनको बहुचर्चित पुस्तक नेपालको सिमाना आफ्नो आधिकारकिता र राष्ट्रवादी सोचका कारण प्रशंसित र पुरस्कृत पनि भएको थियो । त्यही पुस्तकका कारण आर्जित ख्यातिले गर्दा श्रेष्ठलाई नेपाल-भारत सीमासम्बन्धी कुनै पनि ठूला-साना विवादका मुद्दाहरूको खोजबिनका क्रममा, खासगरी नागरकि स्तरमा सामेल गराइने गरेको हो । यसले उनको सम्बन्धित विषयवस्तुमाथिको ज्ञान र अन्तदर्ृष्टिमा थप गहनता आएको हुनुपर्छ । प्रस्तुत पुस्तकमा पनि उनको त्यो ज्ञानको गहिराइ प्रतिविम्बित भएको छ । तर, उनले आफ्नो ध्यान किताबको केन्द्रीय दृष्टिविन्दुमा स्िथर गराउन सकेका छैनन्, जसले गर्दा पाठक मूल विषयवस्तुबाट घरीघरी भौँतारनि बाध्य हुन्छ । एउटै किताबमा धेरै सूचनाहरू र धेरै विषयहरूमाथिका आफ्ना धारणाहरूलाई पस्िकने मोहका कारण समीक्ष्य पुस्तकको आकार त अनावश्यक रूपमा ठूलो भएको छ नै, लेखकले प्रस्तुत गर्न चाहेको केन्द्रीय विषयवस्तुको प्रभावकारतिा पनि मलीन हुन पुगेको छ ।

बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठको राष्ट्रवादी सोच निःसन्देह प्रशंसनीय छ । उनले नेपालको बहुसांस्कृतिक अनेकताको जगमा उभिएको राष्ट्रिय एकताको वकालत गर्नु पनि तारपिmयोग्य विषय नै हो । पछिल्लो समयमा आएर नेपाली-नेपालीबीच देखापरेको वैचारकि विखण्डन, एक मधेस एक प्रदेशको नाराले संकेत गर्न खोजेको अनिष्ट र वर्तमान नेपाल राष्ट्रको भौगोलिक अखण्डतामाथि भइरहेको प्रहारका विषयमा श्रेष्ठले व्यक्त गरेको चिन्ता र चासोको पनि आफ्नै महत्त्व छ । तर, यी सबै विषयहरू भारत-नेपाल सीमावर्ती ब्यारेज र तटबन्धजस्तो विशुद्ध प्राविधिक विषयमाथि लेखिएको पुस्तकमा किन समावेश गरएिको हो ? पाठकका निम्ति बुझ्न सजिलो छैन ।

लेखकले नेपाल र भारतका बीच विद्यमान सम्बन्धगत जटिलताहरूलाई पनि केलाउने चेष्टा गरेका छन् । दक्षिणतर्फको विशाल छिमेकी भारतले भूपरविेष्ठित र अप्ठ्यारो भौगोलिक अवस्िथति भएको सानो राष्ट्र नेपाललाई सम्भव भएसम्मका मुद्दाहरूमा दबाबमा राख्दै अाएको छ र यस राष्ट्रका सबै कालखण्डका लगभग सबै नै सत्ताहरूले दिल्ली दरबारको थिचोमिचो विरुद्ध दृढ अडान नराखेका कारण हरक्षेत्रमा भारतको हैकम स्थापित हुँदै आएको छ । सन् १९९० पछिका राजनीतिक नेतृत्वहरूले त सरकार बनाउने र ढाल्ने अनि फेर िबनाउने प्रक्रियामा पनि कुनै न कुनै रूपमा भारतलाई सामेल गराउने दास मनोवृत्ति लिएको देखिन्छ । यी कमजोरीहरूका समग्रमा परण्िााम भएको छ, नेपालको जमिन, जल र जनजीविकामाथि भारतद्वारा निरन्तर गरएिको प्रत्यक्ष-अप्रत्यक्ष आक्रमण । प्रस्तुत पुस्तकमा लेखक श्रेष्ठले भारतद्वारा सीमावर्ती क्षेत्रमा बनाएका ब्यारेज र तटबन्धले नेपालतर्फ गराएको क्षतिको सिलसिलेवार वर्णन गर्ने क्रममा भारतले गरेका अन्य ज्यादतीहरूको पनि विशुद्ध वर्णन गरेका छन् । राजनीतिक बयानबाजीको कोटीमा राख्न सकिने यी विवृत्तिहरू श्रेष्ठले लेखेका यसै विषयका अन्य पुस्तकहरूमा पनि परेकाले लेखकले यहाँनेर आफूलाई दोहोर्‍याएको देखिन्छ । यस पुनरुचिले लेखकका रूपमा श्रेष्ठको यशवृद्धि भने गर्दैन ।

भारतीय सीमावर्ती ब्यारेज र तटबन्ध उपशीर्षकमा लेखकले भारत र नेपालका सीमा क्षेत्रमा भारतद्वारा बनाइएका २१ वटा ब्यारेज र तटबन्धका विषयमा दफावार विवरण दिएका छन् । पुस्तकको यो अंश ठोस प्राविधिक जानकारीले मात्र समृद्ध छैन, नेपालको विशाल जलस्रोतको व्यवस्थापन र उपयोगका सम्बन्धमा नेपाल भारतबाट कसरी ठगिँदै र लुटिँदै आएको छ, त्यसको पनि जीवन्त चित्र कोर्न सफल छ । नेपालतर्फका हजारौँ हेक्टर जमिन र सयौँ गाउँहरूलाई जलसमाधि लिन बाध्य बनाउने लक्ष्मणपुर -बाँके), महलीसागर -कपिलवस्तु), रसियावाल खुर्द लोटन -रूपन्देही)जस्ता भारतीय सीमावर्ती ब्यारेज र कोसी, गण्डक, शारदा र टनकपुरजस्ता पानीको सुविधा जति भारतले लिने र बाढीको विपत्तिचाहिँ नेपालले भोग्नुपर्ने खालका परयिोजनाहरूका विषयमा लेखकले बडो मार्मिक चित्रण गरेका छन्, यस पुस्तकमा । पुस्तकको यो अंश पढ्दा पाठकका मनमा लेखक श्रेष्ठले यही अंशमा मात्र केन्दि्रत भएर र अरू बढी विस्तृतिका साथ किताबको उठान र बैठान गरेको भए बढी सार्थक हुने थियो भन्ने विचार पैदा हुन्छ ।

लेखकले चर्चित बाँधहरूको नक्सा, फोटो, कार्टुन आदि राखेर पुस्तकलाई रोचक बनाउने प्रयास गरेका छन् । यस पुस्तकलाई गहनता दिएको छ, नेपाल र भारतका बीच भएका विभिन्न परयिोजनासम्बन्धी लिखत दस्तावेजहरूको प्रविष्टिले । यसका अतिरत्तिm सीमावर्ती बाँध र जलउपयोगसम्बन्धी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अभिसन्धिहरू पनि समावेश गरेर लेखकले पाठकलाई उपयोगी सामग्री उपलब्ध गराएका छन् । सान्दर्भिक-असान्दर्भिक अनेक प्रकारका सामग्री एकै ठाउँमा गाँजेमाँजे पारेर राखिदिएका कारण भारत-नेपाल सीमावर्ती बाँध केही हदसम्म झर्को लाग्ने पुस्तक पनि भएको छ । लेखकको भाषा र अभिव्यक्तिको शैली आकर्षक नभएका कारण पनि यसले पाठकलाई यसको पाठनप्रति ध्यानमग्न बनाउन कठिन हुन सक्छ ।

Published in NEPAL National Weekly (Page 54-55), 14-21 February 2010

Border issues should be resolved through diplomacy

Border issues should be

resolved through diplomacy

Buddhi Narayan Shrestha

Background :

Nepal is situated in between India and China. China is located on the northern border, whereas all three sides are surrounded by India. India and China are the neighbours of Nepal and it has very good relations with both of the countries. There are so many fellow-feeling in so many items due to close and neighbourly relations. At the same time there may have some issues, dialogues and debates in some extent because of closeness and inter-related with each others. It is natural that sometimes there might have some issues and problems in between the close neighbours. And border issue is one of them. But the border issues should be resolved amicably and in a friendly manner through diplomacy. If the diplomacy doesn’t work, troublesome country must take further steps to protect the integrity and sovereignty of the nation.

Nepal-China Border :

Nepal has had border business and some issues with both of the countries, India and China. So far as the issues and border business with China is concerned Boundary Treaty was signed on 5 October 1961  and delineating of physical demarcation of the boundary line was done during 1961-62. However, there were disputes, conflicts, debates and controversies in 35 places including the question of Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) during the joint boundary demarcation on the Sino-Nepal borderline. But it was settled forever in accordance with the principles of equality, mutual benefit, friendship and mutual accommodation. Besides, it was adopted by both the parties, the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and in a spirit of fairness, reasonableness, mutual understanding and most importantly respecting each other as Nepal and China have the equal rights and status in the international arena. Regarding the question of Sagarmatha, it was agreed to take the Nepalese map drawn with its historical facts, which depicted the highest part of the peak on Nepal side. As a result, the dispute of Sagarmatha was settled and ended while the visiting Prime Minister Chou En-Lai made a statement in Kathmandu on 28 April 1960 that “Sagarmatha belongs to Nepal.” Finally the border line was demarcated and erected border pillars with watershed principle, determining the water-parting line to connect snow-capped high altitude mountain peaks, passing and crossing through mountain passes and spurs, saddles and cols, rivers and rivulets, pasture land and river basin or valleys. With the basis of these entire mutual understanding, Nepal-China border demarcation was successfully completed within a period of less than two years. Consequently, three Joint Boundary Protocols have been signed as the last one on 8 December 1988. It is high time to make the fourth protocol, because twenty one years have been elapsed since the third protocol was signed. However, joint team is working to complete by mid-2010.

Nepal-India Border :

So far as the Indo-Nepal border demarcation is concerned, Nepal-India Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee worked for the 26 years (from 15 November 1981 to 31 December 2007). But the boundary business is not yet completed. There may be so many reasons the boundary business not to be completed in due time, though it has the target to complete it by 2003. However, this type of target had been fixed many times in the past as in 1993, 1998 and 2001. But the target was not materialized. The main reasons and issues of the boundary business with India is the border encroachments, disputes on certain segments, divergence of opinion on basic materials such as maps and old documents for demarcation, slackness in joint survey field teams and so on and so forth.



The Treaty of Sugauli of 4 March 1816, Supplementary Treaty of 11 December 1816 and Boundary Treaty of 1 November 1860 delineate the boundary of Nepal with India. British East India Company made treaty of Sugauli on 2 December 1815 and it was provided to Nepal to make the counter signature by fifteen days. But Nepal did not make the signature in due time, because of unwillingness. It was finally ratified after 92 days under pressure and compulsion enforced by the British regime that they will invade Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Eventually, it was not signed by the King or Prime Minister/Maharaja but by only the courtier Chandra Shekhar Upadhaya. So there were disputes and conflicts and controversy on the borderline even after the ratification of the Treaty.

Historical Border Disputes :

There were so many issues of disputes just after the Sugauli Treaty. Some of the disputed areas are cited as examples as follows:

  1. Disputes on Siwalik Range : whether the borderline runs from the crest (ridge) of the Siwalik Range or northern or southern foot-hill of the range!
  2. Origin of the river Mechi : whether it is originated from north-east of Antoo Hill or from north-west!
  3. Dunduwa Range : India had claimed that the border line should be followed on the northern foot from Arrahnala to Talbagauda, whereas Nepal denied it.
  4. Dispute on ownership of the village and settlements of Ramnagar Zamindari area.
  5. Dispute on the lands adjoined with the districts of Tirahoot and Sarun.
  6. Land area of Sharada Barrage constructed by India on the river Mahakali.
  7. Disputes on the borderline of the river and rivulets, whether it has to be taken on the old course or the new channel.
  8. Disputes on the demarcation of borderlines in agricultural land, forest area and village areas, where there are not conspicuous features.

Some of the above mentioned disputes were settled with mutual discussions. For example, identification of the origin of the river Mechi was solved by Campbell, taken as the origination from north-east, though Captain Lloyd had judged in 1827 that the area falls under the jurisdiction of Sikkim. Similarly, the dispute of Dunduwa range was solved jointly by Lieutenant Col. Mac Andrew and Siddhiman Singh Rajbhandari on 7 January 1875 that the borderline shall be demarcated on the southern foot-hill of Dunduwa Range from where the plain area begins. Regarding the disputes of Ramnagar Zamindari area, it was settled on 2 January 1841 with an Ikararnama of 95 people of village-heads, gentlemen, Chautaria and Guru Gharana. As far as the matter of the exchange of lands of Sharada Barrage is concerned, Nepal has not yet received 36.67 Acre of land from India. These are some of the examples of the then border issues between Nepal and East India Company. The main problem lies that Nepal’s southern borderline on the Indo-Gangetic plain with India does not run from the prominent natural features such as mountain peaks, passes, crests etc.

Border Disputes after India’s Independence :

The disease of border demarcation issues and disputes have not been cured even after the independence of India from the British rule in 1947. Encroachment on the Nepalese frontier have been rather increased. It is due to population boom across the Indian frontier. Secondly, dense forest of Charkoshe Jungle of the Nepalese frontier was being cut-off and cleared-up, so that encroachment of the Nepalese land from Indian population pressure was much easier, where there were not boundary pillars and demarcation of  ten-yard width No-man’s land.

By this time, there are 54 places and spots of encroachment, dispute, conflict, controversy and debate along Indo-Nepal borderline, especially in the plain area of southern border of Nepal. There are number of cases of disputes and encroachments in the Nepalese frontier of 21 districts among 26 districts which are adjoined with India. The area of encroachment consists of from 240 square meters of a small patch or strip of land to a big chunk of 378 square kilometers. There are frequent border disputes and debates in the borderline, on which it is not yet demarcated and erected border pillars. Surprisingly, disputes have been raised even on that spots where the boundary pillars have been installed. It is due to pull out of the pillars and cultivate the land and construction of houses, disfiguring the no-man’s land. It has created the problems on either side of the borderline.

Places of Encroachments and Disputes :

There are not less than 54 places of encroachments, disputes, debates, controversy, differences and conversations on the Nepalese frontier and even inside the depth of the frontier. The most noted places and spots are Kalapani-Limpiyadhura area, Susta area, Mechi riverian sector, Balmikinagar, Thori, Sandakpur, Manebhanjyang, Chiwabhanjyang, Bhantabari, Jogbani, Sakhada-Lalapatti, Kunauli, Sunauli-Belhi, Krishnanagar, Santalia, Bhadanala, Biranala, Luna river area, Someswor, Shri Antu Gufapatal, Dakshhin Jhitkaiya, Laxmanpur embankment area, Rasiawal Khurdalotan embankment area etc. etc.

  1. After the independence of India, the issue of dispute was raised in Susta area along the river Narayani on the Nepalese frontier. The area is consisted of near about 14,850 hectares. The main reason of dispute is change of course by the river Narayani. During heavy floods of 1845, 1954, and 1980 the river changed its course dramatically some kilometers westward to the Nepalese territory. After the flood, Indian peasants used to encroach and cultivate the Nepalese land supposing that the new river course is the boundary line between the two nations. The river is changing its course more and more westward to Nepal side nearly every year but bluntly during flood havocs. And Indian nationals are encroaching the Nepalese land more when the river shifts it course.
  2. The largest chunk of encroachment by India is Kalapani-Limpiyadhura area. It consists of 378 sq. km (37,800 hectares). It was encroached just after the border war of November 1962 between India and China. After the defeat with the Chinese army, Indian troops retarded back and set up a camp in the Nepalese territory of Kalapani area. Indian army men judged the Kalapani area as a strategic point to watch the Chinese activity and to check the attack / infiltration of the Chinese army via Lipulek Pass. There is a most strategic and highly sensitive spot with 6,180 meters high in Kalapani area, from where it can be visualized with the help of a binocular, whether horse or mule/ sheep or goat/ white or fair complexed men are crossing the Lipulek Pass to and from Taklakot of Tibet. At first, there were some Indian armed policemen with some tents and hand operating wireless and binoculars in Kalapani camp, as they had named Indo-Tibetan Border Post (ITBP). But these days there are more than eight buildings constructed having bunkers, deployed battalions of Indian army men with modern arms and ammunitions and means of satellite communication. Some of the buildings have central heating system, not to let freeze the expensive arms and ammunitions during winter season. Presently, the crux of the matter of dispute in Kalapani area is the determination of the river Kali, whether it is originated from nearby Lipulek Pass or Limpiyadhura or an artificial pond, south of Pankhagad Khola.
  3. Mechi riverian sector is one of the notable disputed areas in the recent times since 1995. There are disputes in various places along 20 kilometer of the river Mechi. The main reason of the dispute is that Joint Boundary Survey Team erected new and small boundary pillars, ignoring the old Masonry Pillars (Junge Pillars), whereas Urdu written map of 1874 was taken as the basis of the demarcation of the course of  river Mechi. The most illogical aspect of the dispute on this segment is that it tried to demarcate the old river course, instead of counting century old masonry Junge main boundary pillars, which have been standby along the river. These Junge pillars are the live guards in the border of Nepal, erected by the British Surveyors themselves during 1816-17, just after the Treaty of Sugauli. What needs the solid and live proofs more than these live and standby Junge Pillars? Paradoxically, these Junge Pillars have been categorized as the Reference Pillars, but not the main boundary pillars. So there are cases of encroachments and disputes in near about 1,600 hectares of Nepalese land from Bahundangi, Nakalbanda to Kakarbhitta, Pathamari, Bhadrapur, Maheshpur etc.
  4. Border pillars and ten-yard width no-man’s land have been disappeared due to the construction of Laxmanpur dam and 22 km embankment by India on the river Rapti, only 350 meter apart from the Border pillar No. 19. Small rivers flowing from Nepal have been blocked and Nepalese land of 5 Village Development Committees (VDCs) have been submerged.
  5. The other construction by India is the Rasiawal Khurdalotan Dam on the river Danab-Ghongi in Marchawar area of Nepal. The three kilometer long dam has been constructed just 40 meter apart of Border Pillar No. 30, so that 20 km long no-man’s land have been encroached. As a result, paddy land of 11 VDCs of Nepal have been submerged during the monsoon season. Besides, Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha will surely be inundated, if the water of the river is blocked by closing down the shutters of the dam and by further constructing the embankments.
  6. 22 hectares of Nepalese land have been encroached in connection to the construction of Afflux Bond of Tanakpur Barrage by India. In connection to the construction of Sharada Barrage, Nepal has yet to get 14.84 hectare (36.67 Acre) of land. Furthermore, most recently India has encroached the area of six households and one government office of Nepal in Hile area of Pashupatinagar Ward-4. This is due to the erection of new Pillar No. 71/22 by Indian side in 8 July 2002. Similarly, part of Sandakpur (3,336 meter high) hill area of Ilam has been encroached. Sandakpur is a touristic place, from where Mount Kanchanjunga can be visualized majestically. There are various cases of encroachments in 21 districts of Nepal out of 26, which are adjoined with Indian States.

Nepal-India Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee :

Nepal-India Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee worked for the twenty-six years. It had the mandate to relocate the missing pillars, reconstruction of the damaged and dilapidated pillars, clear ten-yard width no-man’s land and preparation of strip-maps of both the sides of borderline. But it has not resolved the issues, such as Kalapani-Limpiyadhura, identification of the source or river Kali, Susta dispute, Mechi controversy etc. These are the major issues and problems of demarcations of border between two nations, which should be settled in higher level (most probably in head of the government level) with diplomatic and political level talks. The issues climb slowly up to the ministerial level but it is instantly pushed back to the technical level, which has its limitations as the nature of the problem. In such a fashion, major issues have not yet given yield by the higher level decision making authorities.

Border Diplomacy :

Border business consists of diplomacy and it is related to geography, especially political geography. When someone talks about the border issues between neighbouring countries, we have to keep in mind some norms to be adopted. These steps may be border strategy, border diplomacy, border politics and border business.

A sovereign and independent country must have its own solid strategy on borders, how to deal with the neighbouring states. It could be formed joint technical committee to supervise, demarcate, erect boundary markers, delineate no-man’s land (ten-yard width area) and prepare strip-maps. Under this step as an example, Nepal-India Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee has prepared maps of 98 percent of the border and established 8,853 border pillars. However, two percent issues have yet to be resolved. And there are encroachments, claims and counter-claims on the borderline within the various segments of this two percent. This issue has been stalemate that the committee was not able to sort out the problems.

To resolve this remaining issues, it needs to conduct border diplomacy. To fix the border diplomacy of a nation, it is necessary to form a group of Track-II diplomats and technicians, who have been knowledgeable and experienced during their bygone career. This group analyzes the problems with the help of historical documents, technical facts and figures (maps and co-ordinate data), past incidents, dialogues, conversations, on the spot enquiries to local senior citizens of both the frontiers. Then Track-II Diplomatic Group prepares a national policy paper, based on the result of all facts and findings to resolve and plead with the quarrelsome neighbour.

On the third step, this policy paper must be discussed on the political level. Almost all the major political parties of the nation must participate and express their views to resolve the issues, not only from their parties’ view points, but also from the national perspective as an independent and sovereign country to maintain the national integrity. The policy paper prepared by track two diplomatic group must be studied, discussed and commented thoroughly by the state politicians. They could amend, highlight, delete and add the wordings and paragraphs and suggest even additional points. Ultimately, a national consenseous paper must be prepared on how to deal the border business with the adjoined country.

On the final step, the government has to take up this policy paper, as a national mandate. The state has to deal with the counter-part authority of neighbouring country, on the basis of national mandate. Head of Government must keep in mind the supremacy of the civil rights and national integrity of a sovereign nation, while tackling with the quarrelsome neighbour.

Civil society, non-governmental organizations, researchers and political parties create awareness to the government. They uncover the eyes and open the ears of the government. There is an old saying that the government doesn’t have eyes and ears to look and hear the matter, unless someone approaches. The government hears when somebody whispers into the ears of the authority. It uncovers the eyes when someone files complaint. So various organizations and political parties create pressure to uncover the  eyes and open the ears of the government, so that it will be compelled to put the matter to the quarrelsome nation. It is the responsibility of the government to save and maintain the national boundary, since border business is a matte of one nation to another nation.

It will be relevant to mention here the stalemate Nepal-India border issues. The visiting External Affairs Minister of India, Pranav Mukharjee had told the press reporter on 28 November 2008 that the issue of Kalapani and Susta will be resolved by the higher authorities of both the governments with mutual understanding in a congenial atmosphere. As regards the case of the correctness of 182 strip-maps, the visiting dignitary had expressed that there might have some typological errors on the borderline of the jointly prepared strip-maps. That will be corrected as necessary by mutual consultations with friendship by both the governments.

It indicates that finally, the border issues have to be dealt by government to government level. It is worth thinking that the Indian authority was compelled to spell this statement due to the pressure created by the civil society, media persons and political parties.

Besides, border diplomacy needs furthermore steps to be adopted, if the issues have not been able to resolve with mutual understanding in and amicable way. It may be to call upon to the third country as mediator. But it is important that both the countries must be agreed and relied to the mediator country. It will not be too bad to invite to British Government for the mediation of the border stalemate between Nepal and India. Because Sugauli Treaty of 1816 was made with the then British India, not with the present India. The British Government has sufficient knowledge and capability to resolve the border issues between Nepal and India.

The next step is to go to the United Nations and finally to the International Court of Justice, if the mediation fails. It is thoughtful that the State has to go to these international organizations, if it is necessary. Because neither the political parties nor the civil society will be entertained by the UN or ICJ. It will be somehow relevant to mention here that nine Leftist Political Parties of Nepal, including CPN (ML) had requested to the Secretary General of the United Nations to ask India to withdraw her armed personnel form Kalapani to vacate the occupied Nepalese territory and to stop further encroachment and intrusion of Sugauli Treaty of 1816 with relevant documents and evidences. In response, the UN replied on 27 July 1998 that any UN approach would have to be at the request of the Government of Nepal. It proves that the government herself has to be prepared to go to the UN or ICJ. On the other side of the coin, it is a fact that it takes a lot of time and needs mush patience and money, if a country knocks the door of ICJ.

Concluding Remarks:

Nepal and India has a long and traditional relation. It has naturally promoted social and cultural relationship among the general people of both the nations, through matrimonial relation as well. Nepalese boys are the son-in-laws of the Indian nationals. Similarly, Indian daughters have been the daughter-in-laws of the Nepalese, being Nepalese and Indian fathers as the father-in-laws each other. So the border demarcation issues and the problem of border management should be resolved through government level.  There must have good understanding with each other to solve the problem and issues, segment by segment grasping the difficulties of other side.

But the most important thing is the dedication and willingness to resolve the issues, since border business is a matter of equal participation from both the nations. Nothing can be happened if only one nation is willing, eager and hurried. It needs the equal spirit from both sides. Particular problem of particular segment of the border must be solved in such a fashion that this is resolved forever and no question will be raised in future. If it is not resolved amicably, the trouble facing country must be ready to knock the international organizations for the integrity of the sovereign and independent nation..


1. Buddhi Narayan Shrestha, Indo-Nepal Frontier Dam (in Nepali-2009), Bhumichitra Co. P. Ltd,  Kathmandu.

2. Buddhi Narayan Shrestha, Boundary of Nepal (in Nepali-2000), Bhumichitra Co. P. Ltd, Kathmandu.

3. Chetendra Jung Himali, Mahakaliwari-Mahakalipari  (Across Mahakali-2002), Patriotic Democratic Forum Nepal, Kathmandu.

4. Hiranya Lal Shrestha, Kalapani and Source of Kali (in Nepali-2000), National Peoples Publication, Kathmandu.