Three Years of Earthquake and our Manner

Three Years of Earthquake and our Manner

Buddhi Narayan Shrestha

Nagarik Bhuinchaloko Tin Barsha 75-1-12

Conventional Visit Series

Conventional Visit Series

सनातनी भ्रमण शृंखला

 At Sindhuligadhi

बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठ

Buddhi Narayan Shrestha

प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीको निम्तोमा मोदीले नेपाल भ्रमण गर्दा नेपालभारत सम्बन्धको

ग्राफ कता जाने हो, जनताले मूल्यांकन गर्नेछन्


प्रधानमन्त्री केपी ओलीले भारत भ्रमण गरी फर्केको दुई साता बितिसके पनि भ्रमणको सफलता/असफलताको चर्चा सञ्चारमाध्यम र कफीगफमा चलिरहेकै छ । पंक्तिकारलाई चाहिँ भ्रमण सनातनी हिसाबले सफल अनि प्रगतिशील दृष्टिकोणले कम सफल लागेको छ ।

प्रम ओलीले त्रिवि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा सम्मानगारदको सलामी थापे । इन्दिरा गान्धी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल दिल्लीमा उनलाई मन्त्रीले स्वागत गरे । सञ्चारमाध्यममा दुई चार कुरा भने, व्यापारी जगत्लाई लगानी गर्न आह्वान गरे । आफ्नो दूतावासको कार्यक्रममा नेपालप्रति चासो राख्ने बन्धुबान्धवसँग भलाकुसारी गरे । भारतीय मन्त्री तथा केही नेता भेट्न आए । राष्ट्रपति, उपराष्ट्रपति तथा प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई भेट्न पुगे । आफ्ना समकक्षीसँग अनौपचारिक, औपचारिक भेटवार्ता गरे, बाह्रबुँदे संयुक्त वक्तव्य जारी भयो । दिल्लीबाहिरको एउटा योजनाको भ्रमण गरे अनि स्वदेश फर्के । भ्रमण सफल भएको र मित्रता बढाएर आएँ भने । यस्ता काम कुरो भारत भ्रमण गर्ने अन्य प्रधानमन्त्रीले पनि गरेकै थिए । त्यसैले ओलीको भ्रमणलाई सनातनी मान्नुपर्छ ।

क्रमभंगता हुन सकेन
यो भ्रमण प्रगतिशील दर्जाको भइदिएको भए ओलीले पाकिस्तानका प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नेपाली सैनिक मञ्च टुँडिखेलमा ‘गार्ड अफ अनर’ दिएजस्तै आफूले पनि त्यहीँ सम्मानगारदको सलामी थाप्ने व्यवस्था गरेर त्यहाँबाट विमानस्थल पसी सीधै हवाइजहाजभित्र छिरेको हुनुपर्ने हो । दिल्ली विमानस्थलमा प्रधानमन्त्री मोदी नै स्वागतमा उपस्थित भएको भए भ्रमण प्रगतिशील दर्जाको हुने थियो । नेपालको प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्रीले दिल्ली विमानस्थलमै स्वागत गरेको दृष्टान्त छ ।

मोदीले ओलीलाई दुई पटक फोन गरेर र एक पटक विदेशमन्त्रीलाई दूत पठाएर भारत भ्रमणको निम्ता दिएका थिए । चीनले पनि भ्रमणका लागि प्रधानमन्त्रीको शपथ खाँदानखाँदै निम्तो पठाएको थियो भने पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमन्त्रीले त आफैं नेपाल आएर निम्तोपत्र प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए । यसरी तीन देशले ओलीको पहिलो भ्रमण आफ्नो देशमा गराउन तानातान गरेका समय हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्रीले भारतीय समकक्षीलाई कूटनीतिक माध्यमद्वारा सशक्त तरिकाले कुरो पुर्‍याउन सक्नुपथ्र्याे, ‘प्रधानमन्त्री मोदी दिल्ली विमानस्थलमै उपस्थित हुने हो भने मेरो पहिलो भ्रमण भारत नै हुन्छ ।’ तर ओली चुके ।

नेपालभारत सम्बन्धको ग्राफ
माथि उल्लिखित घारणा र भावनामा जोडिन आइपुग्ने कुरोचाहिँ नेपाल र भारतको सम्बन्धकै पाटो हो । भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदीको नेपालको पहिलो भ्रमण २०७२ साउन १९–२० मा नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धको ग्राफ उकालो लागेको थियो । मोदीले नेपालसँगको सम्बन्ध साँच्चिकै विस्तृत मात्रै होइन, प्रगाढ नै तुल्याए भनी जताततै मोदीको प्रशंसा भएको थियो । तत्कालीन व्यवस्थापिका–संसद्मा मोदीको उद्गार सुनेर सारा सांसद गद्गद् भए । कारगेडसहितको औपचारिक सडकयात्राका क्रममा मोदी गाडीबाट अनायास उत्रेर नेपाली जनतासमक्ष हात मिलाउन पुग्दा नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धको ग्राफ ‘ओभर सुटिङ’ भएको थियो । तर, त्यसको एक वर्ष डेढ महिनापछि मोदीले नेपालको सीमाविन्दुहरूमा नाकाबन्दी गरिदिंदा नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धको ग्राफ एकाएक ‘बम्पिङ’ भयो । ‘क्रयास’ चाहिँ भएन । प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीको अहिलेको भ्रमणले त्यो बम्पिङ ग्राफलाई अलिकति माथि पुर्‍याएका छन् । उनको यो भ्रमण प्रगतिशील भइदिएको भए माथि पुर्‍याएको त्यो ग्राफ ‘कन्स्टयान्ट ट्रेन्ड’ मा पुग्नुपर्ने हो तर पुगेन । किनकि अविश्वासको खाडल अझै पुरिएको छैन । अब ओलीको निम्तोमा मोदीले नेपाल भ्रमण गर्दा नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धको ग्राफ ‘अपवार्ड ट्ेरन्ड’ मा जाने हो, होइन नेपाली जनताले मूल्यांकन गर्नेछन् ।

भाइभाइ होइन, मित्रमित्र
ओलीको भ्रमण साँच्चिकै प्रगतिशील भइदिएको भए उनले छाती फुकाएर भन्नुपर्ने थियो, ‘म तीन करोड नेपाली जनताको सद्भाव बोकेर आएको छु, अब सवा अर्ब भारतीय जनताको मित्रता लिएर फर्कन चाहन्छु । नेपाल र भारत भाइ–भाइ होइन मित्र–मित्र हुन् ।’ तर, यस्तो भनेको सुनिएन । किनकि मित्र–मित्र भनेको समान हुन् । भाइ–भाइ भनेको छोटे
भाइ र बडे भाइ हुन सक्छ ।

ओली–मोदीबीच दुई पटक ‘वान टु वान’ वार्ता भए । योचाहिँ प्रगतिशील नै मान्नुपर्छ । यसभन्दा अघिल्ला प्रधानमन्त्रीबीच आक्कलझुक्कल एक पटक मात्रै वार्ता हुने गरेको थियो । तर, त्यो गोप्य वार्तामा के कुरा उठे र के उठ्न सकेनन्, सञ्चारमाध्यममा आएन । भारत जुनसुकै विषयमा कुराकानी गर्न तत्पर रहेका बेला नेपालको स्वाधीनता, सार्वभौमिकता, स्वाभिमानता, स्वतन्त्रता तथा भौगोलिक अखण्डताका सम्बन्धमा त्यो गोप्य वार्तामा ओलीले डटेर कुरा गरे कि मानसिक हीनताबोध महसुस गरे ? अडान लिन सके कि लत्रान (लम्पसार) भए । समान हितमा सहकार्य गरिने कुरामा कमजोरी रह्यो कि ‘जित–जित’ को वातावरण ल्याए ? आफ्नो भ्रमण प्रगतिशील स्तरको बनाउन ओलीले आफ्ना समकक्षीसँग नेपालको चासो रहेका केही बँुदा राख्नुपर्ने थियो । जस्तो : भारतीय लगानीको नेपालमा सञ्चालित परियोजनाहरू समयमै पूर्णता नभई लागत महँगो हुँदै जाने गरेकाले समय सीमाभित्रै पूरा गरिने वाचा–बन्धन गराउन सके सकेनन् ?

भूकम्पका बेला भारतले वाचा गरेको पुनर्निर्माण कार्यको रफ्तार ढिला भएको, हुलाकी राजमार्गको निर्माण कचल्टिएको अवस्थामा पुगेको, भारतीय रु. ५०० र १००० नोटबन्दी भएकाले नेपाली व्यापारीको पुँजी जाम भएको, भारतमा काम गरिरहेका नेपालीले आफ्नो नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्रका आधारमा बैंक खाता खोल्न चाँजोपाँजो मिलाइदिने विषय उठेको थाहा पाइएन । भारतबाट नेपालमा टेलिफोन गर्दा चर्काे शुल्क लाग्ने गरेकामा नेपालबाट भारतमा गर्दा जतिकै शुल्क लिने प्रबन्ध गरिदिने, नेपाल छिर्ने ग्यास बुलेट र नेपालबाट भारत पठाइने अदुवा, वनस्पति, घिउजस्ता पदार्थलाई बेलामौकामा घ्याच्चघ्याच्च नरोकिने प्रबन्ध मिलाएको पनि देखिएन ।

सार्कको अध्यक्ष नेपाल रहेको अवस्थामा रोकिएको सार्क सम्मेलनको गाँठो फुकाउने कुरो हुन सकेन । हाम्रा दक्षिणी नाका मात्र होइन, उत्तरी छिमेकीसँगको सीमा–नाका पनि जोड्न सक्ने विकल्प रहेको कुरा विधिवत् अवगत गराउन सकेनन् । नेपालले चीनको ‘बेल्ट एन्ड रोड इनिसिएटिभ’ परियोजनामा हस्ताक्षर गरेको कुरा कूटनीतिक औपचारिकताका लागि व्यक्त गर्न चाहेनन् । नेपालको सार्वभौमिकता रहेको लिपुलेकबाट भारत र चीनले आपसी व्यापार वृद्धि गर्ने सन् २०१५ को सम्झौतामा संशोधन गर्नुपर्ने कुरा उप्काउन सकेनन् । भारतीय बाँध तथा सडकजस्ता संरचनाले डुबानको पीडामा परेको नेपाली जनताको सन्देश आफ्ना समकक्षीसमक्ष प्रवाह गर्न भुले । कालापानी–लिम्पियाधुरा, सुस्ताजस्ता ‘क्रोनिक’ सीमा समस्याबारे प्रधानमन्त्री मौन रहे । ऊर्जाशक्ति र हिमालबाट उम्रेको कञ्चन पानी नेपालको बल हो भन्न सकेनन् । एक्लाएक्लै वार्तामा नेपालको आन्तरिक राजनीतिक मामिलामा प्रवेश गर्न नदिनुचाहिँ प्रगतिशील भ्रमणको द्योतक मान्नुपर्छ ।

शंकाका बुँदा
प्रधानमन्त्रीको भारत भ्रमणकालमा नेपाल–भारत जलमार्गले जोड्ने, रक्सौल–काठमाडौं रेलमार्गले ‘कनेक्टिभिटी’ बढाउने र कृषिमा साझेदारी अभिवृद्धि गर्ने कुरो सनातनी संयुक्त वक्तव्यमा आउनु राम्रै कुरो हो । तर, सगरमाथादेखि सागरसम्म जलमार्गले जोड्दा कोसी नदीमा स्टिमर जहाज चलाउन अहिलेको कोसी ब्यारेजले अड्चन ल्याउने हुँदा त्यसलाई भत्काएर बराहक्षेत्रमा कोसी उच्चबाँध बनाइने हो कि † रक्सौलको रेल काठमाडौं ल्याउन त्रिभुवन राजपथजस्तै बेचल्तीको रेलमार्ग बनिने हो कि  ! कृषिमा साझेदारी गर्दा नेपालका जडीबुटी वनस्पति कच्चा पदार्थ कौडीको मोलमा भारतीय कलकारखानामा सजिलै पुग्ने हो कि † नेपाली यस्ता कुरामा चाहिने नचाहिने तरिकाले सनातनी शंकामा छन् ।

प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले अब छिटै गर्ने चीनको भ्रमणमा भारतको सनातनी भ्रमणभन्दा फरक ढङ्गले निकै प्रगतिशील भ्रमण गर्नेछन्, दुवै छिमेकी मुलुकलाई समसामीप्यता ल्याउनेछन् र आफ्नो देशलाई आर्थिक समृद्धिको बाटोमा लैजाने छन् भन्ने आशा गरौं ।

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०७५

Global Surveyors Day Celebrated in Nepal

Global Surveyors Day Celebrated in Nepal

Buddhi Narayan Shrestha

IP President, Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (NICS)

Global Surveyors Day-1

Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (NICS) in association with the government Survey Department celebrated ‘Global Surveyors Day’ in Nepal amidst a function in the Geodetic Survey Hall in Kathmandu. The program was chaired by Punya Prasad Oli, President of NICS. Secretary- government of NepalMinistry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives Gopi Nath Mainali was the Chief Guest. Director General of Survey Department Ganesh Prasad Bhatta was the guest.  Other dignitaries were the former Survey Director Generals Buddhi Narayan Shrestha (IP President Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors-NICS), Rabin Kaji Sharma, Toya Nath Baral and Rajaram Chhatkuli. Similarly, Survey Deputy Director Generals Suresh Man Shrestha, Niraj Manandhar and Sabir Hussain were on the dais. Other participants were the Treasurer Rajendra Prasad Maratha, General Secretary Shambhu Gyawali and members of NICS. Chief Survey Officers, Survey Officers, Surveyors and staff of various Divisions and Branches of Survey Department had participated the program. Government owned national newspaper Gorkhapatra Daily has published the news of the Day.

Global Surveyors Day-10

The program was inaugurated by the Secretary of the Ministry lighting the traditional lamp Paanas, as the symbol of enlightenment. During the program, the Secretary released a book entitled ‘Transliteration of Technical Terms from English to Nepali’ authored by Punya Prasad Oli, NICS President.


NICS General Secretary Shambhu Gyawali welcomed all the participants, dignitaries on behalf of NICS. He also highlighted the importance of Global Surveyors Day and mentioned that it is necessary to expand the importance of Nepali Surveyors.

In the program immediate Past President of NICS and former Survey Director General Buddhi Narayan Shrestha spoke :

Global Surveyors Day-11

Today is the Global Surveyors Day which is going to be celebrated in various countries of the world. International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) has observed the Day with especially CLGE (Europe), NSPS (USA) and it was said that it is very important for the world to reflect on the work that surveyors do. It was said that it is essential to know what impact of various kinds of surveyors can have all over the world. Furthermore, first edition of the Global Surveyors Day is specially marked at the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference in Washington DC, USA with representation of FIG, CLGE and NSPS and many other Surveyors and others from around the world who are in Washington DC. FIG stated that it is the hope that this day is being celebrated around the world. It can be celebrated in many/different ways, and it is up to the national Surveyors to find their best way to celebrate the day. As part of the celebrations initiated by FIG, a Round Table was placed to enable surveying professionals to discuss important topics in today’s world, followed by an evening reception in Washington DC. At the same time a site: was launched.

Shrestha further said, now we are here in this moment to observe and celebrate the Day in Nepal as well. FIG is the main umbrella of the Surveyors of the globe. FIG is a United Nations and World Bank recognized non-governmental organization of national member associations and other affiliated members from over 120 countries,  Nepal is one of them. Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (NICS) is the Member Association. Government of Nepal Survey Department is the Affiliate Member and Land Management Training Center is the Academic Member of FIG from Nepal. FIG has determined the norms and standard, specification and modality of surveying, mapping and GIS of the world. FIG is is a UN-accredited organisation which represents the interests of surveyors throughout the world.

Global Surveyors Day-12

Shrestha also mentioned further more as followings points:

Why Global Surveyors Day to be observed ?

Various organizations and agencies observe their World Day in their own way in one particular day of the year. For example, World Womens Day will be celebrated on the 8th of March. In the same way, International Labour Day is   observed on 1st of May every year. So now it is started to mark the Global Surveyors Day every year. In order to highlight the importance of a Surveyor, their job and the field work all over the world, the date 21 March has been chosen and named Global Surveyors Day. It is necessary to highlight that the tools as surveying, mapping and related GIS data and materials will be prepared and produced by the Surveyors, which are necessary for the planning and implementation of various economic development of the country. Nepal has a huge potentiality of hydro-power generation. To plan and execute the hydro-power project, at first it needs accurate and exact maps and related data. The Nepali Surveyors generate these materials and the concerned Engineers use it as their essential tool. So is the case for road construction project, urban/rural development programs, tourism development planning, so on and so forth in Nepal. So these works of Surveyors should be highlighted and communicated through observing the Global Surveyors Day, also in Nepal.

Who are the Surveyors ?

According to FIG publication number-2 (1991), a surveyor is a professional person with the academic qualifications and technical expertise to conduct one, or more, of the following activities;

  • To determine, measure and represent land, three-dimensional objects, point-fields and trajectories;
  • To assemble and interpret land and geographically related information,
  • To use that information for the planning and efficient administration of the land, the sea and any structures thereon; and,
  • To conduct research into the above practices and to develop them.

Global Surveyors Day-12-1

What are the ethics and conduct of a Surveyor ?

According to FIG publication-17 (1998), Surveyors must have Integrity, Independence, Care and competence Surveyors duty is to

  • maintain confidentiality about the affairs of their current and former clients and employers unless required by law to make disclosures;
  • avoid conflicts of interest;
  • take environmental concerns into account in their operations and activities;
  • recognise the interests of the public when providing services to their clients or employers; and
  • conduct their work to the best of their ability, giving due consideration to the rights of all parties

Regarding the Code of Professional Conduct, a Surveyor must :

  • exercise unbiased independent professional judgement;
  • assume responsibility for all work carried out by their professional and non-professional staff;
  • avoid any appearance of professional impropriety;
  • Make no fraudulent charges for services rendered.

 Global Surveyors Day-16

It is important that Nepali professional Surveyors must be affiliated with the FIG through their national association, Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (NICS). In the mean time, Nepali Surveyors must obtain Survey License to make professional practices, as the medical Doctors get their licences from the Nepal Medical Council, also for those who work in government Hospitals.

Licentiate Surveyors of the world

  • Charles Bellamy of Laramine State of Wyoming had obtained the Engineer’s or Surveyor’s License in 1907. Other license holders were:
  • George Washington (First President)- USA,
  • Alexander Forrest- Western Australia, Joseph Murphy- London UK, Robert Gossett Woodthorpe- Captain Surveyor of India 1880,
  • George Everest, Surveyor General of India (1830-1843). These are some of the examples.


Some of the Nepali Surveyors (or worked in Nepal) are as followings :

  • Colonel Karna Shumsher JBR, Director of Survey Department
  • Netra Bahadur Thapa, Director of Survey Department
  • Tek Bahadur Rayamajhi, Director of Survey Department
  • JRG Harrop, Director of Survey Department (UNDP deputed)
  • ZM Wiedner, Deputy Director of Survey Department (UNDP deputed)
  • Arjun Bahadur Basnyat, Director General of Survey Department
  • Buddhi Narayan Shrestha, Director General of Survey Department (License Holder)
  • Ram Naresh Singh, Director General of Survey Department
  • Punya Prasad Oli, Director General of Survey Department (License Holder)
  • Baburam Acharya, Director General of Survey Department
  • Toya Nath Baral, Director General of Survey Department
  • Rabin Kaji Sharma, Director General of Survey Department
  • Krishna Raj BC, Director General of Survey Department
  • Rajaram Chhatkuli, Director General of Survey Department
  • Nagendra Jha, Director General of Survey Department (License Holder)
  • Madhu Sudan Adhikari, Director General of Survey Department


At the end, Shrestha suggested that surveying, mapping system and GPS/GIS activities of Nepal should be more scientific as the norms and standards set by FIG.


As the chief guest of the program, Secretary of the Ministry Gopi Nath Mainali expressed that Global Surveyors Day will create awareness to the Surveyors of Nepal on their services to the society.  It will help to resolve the issues in connection to perform the surveying and mapping activities. It has to make well manage the works of Surveyors on the land, above the crust and underneath the surface of the world. Mainali further said, Surveyors must be active. They must author their professional books and articles. Their profession should be respectful and take moral accountability. The maps which are necessary for the development of economic project must be correct and reliable. It will be co-ordinated by the government organizations.

In the program, Director General Ganesh Bhatta opined that we have to be good and professional Surveyors. Role of the Surveyors is important for the nation. Maps are the basic tool for the development of infrastructure in the country. Private and public sector Surveyors must have good co-operation and co-ordination to prepare scientific maps and accurate data, needed for the implementation of various projects for the benefit of the people.

Global Surveyors Day-15

From the chair of the program, Punya Prasad Oli thanked all the dignitaries who made the program successful. He also expressed that Surveyors must make their profession successful writing articles and books on the background of their knowledge and work experience. It will also be a kind of service to the people of the society.

Group Photo

As the master of ceremony (MC) of the program, Treasurer of NICS Rajendra Prasad Maratha gave the vote of thanks to all the members of NICS, Survey Officers and  high ranking Survey officials who were present in the program. He informed that NICS is going to conduct the next batch of  training on Real Estate Valuation in a near future. He requested to send trainees from various organizations. He also informed that ten trainees from the friendly country Bhutan will be participating in the training. The subject matter of  real estate valuation is concerned in one of the ten commissions of FIG.